Friday, February 16, 2007

Say "Yes" to saying "HELLO"!

It's really fun to walk down the street and say "Hello" to people. Sometimes I wonder if people are just waiting for someone to connect with them. Most people smile and return the greeting. Which makes me very happy and blesses me a lot. I think they are very happy to have someone CARE enough to just say "Hello". Others seem very surprised and just smile. All in all, it's usually a pretty good experience for both of us.
Do you have any fun experiences from saying "Hello" to people on the street?
If so, then click on "comments" below and tell me about them.


Pastor Naomi M. Marquez-Blake


Ry said...

I totally agree that just saying "Hello" can be a very powerful thing. I always think back to Jr. High I didn't even realize it but I was just in a cruddy mood when my awesome gym teacher Mr. Nelson said "Hey Ry". It instantly picked me up and I've been a big believer in the power of "Hello" ever since.

Anonymous said...

My family and I spent some time in Montserrat, West Indies, where the local people were renowned for their friendliness. Everyone would greet you as they passed on the street. They would look you in the eye and warmly say hello and if you had children with you, would learn everyone's names and remember them! My daughter Rachel, had very big, blue eyes and that was how she was remembered, "blue eyes". We quickly caught on and found it so pleasant to be friendly with everyone. It was unfortunate on returning to the States to be made quickly aware that the same open ness wouldn't be understood in the city. But we can always try it, and be pleasantly surprised when we get a surprised smile and response back...

Anonymous said...

When I take my walk around the neighborhood, it's always fun to greet people who are also out walking. It's even more fun when you ask to greet their dog and see the smile and the pride they have in their pet. Often they will stop and chat for a little while. It brightens my day and hopefully theirs also.

Anonymous said...

I saw a movie once that had a line "if you see someone without a smile, give them yours. It a good for both the smiler and smilee (new words!)